A Labor of Love
About this time last year, my little girl took to ridin’ a broom everywhere she went, so I set a goal to make her a stick horse for Christmas. The original plan was to make a simple hobby horse from fabric and yarn.
But true to myself, simple just wasn't going to cut it. I found a hobby horse pattern on Etsy and got to work modifying and changing it to make it my own.
After numerous rounds of pattern tweaks, prototypes that didn't quite meet my standard of craftsmanship, and more trash-them-and-start-overs than I would like to admit, I fell in love with the final version of the Desert Canary Design Cow Pony.
After seeing how much she loves her Cow Pony and how well he has handled the hard miles and wet saddle blankets she’s put him through, I couldn't help but want to make more. If my little girl loved hers this much, I knew other kids would too.
Handcrafted in Huntsville, Texas
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Embrace the charm of a bygone era and the magic of childhood
Desert Canary Design’s meticulously handcrafted Cow Pony is the perfect fusion of timeless charm and rustic elegance. Designed to delight children and evoke a sense of nostalgia from adults, the exquisite Cow Pony is made from genuine hair-on-hide cowhide with a supple metallic leather mane to create a truly one of a kind companion that exudes natural beauty and authenticity.